Flying To Nowhere Redux part 3

Flying To Nowhere Redux part 3

Flying To Nowhere Redux Part 3 My next leg on this slightly windy winter day was a turn north to Hampton-Varnville (3J0), and I decided to forego the bumps and climb above the scattered clouds where the air was smooth. This trip would be just under 23 miles so I still...
Flying To Nowhere Redux Part 2

Flying To Nowhere Redux Part 2

I had figured that the short hop to Ridgeland Airport  (3J1) could be done at 2000 feet. That turned out to be a choppy altitude and as I bounced around, I eyed the scattered clouds just above me. I figured 3000 would put me just over those puffs and into the glassy...

Flying To Nowhere Redux Part 1

In January of 2016, I had decided to take a VFR flight without any real destination in mind and just fly for the sheer pleasure of flight. I had flown north then west, visiting several airports I had never flown to before, and as a bonus, learning a little local...

Fuel Reimbursement For Your Rental

Charleston Flight School has probably one of the more unique fuel reimbursement programs in the country. All airplanes are rented here “wet”, which means the fuel price is included in the rental price. That’s easy to handle when the airplane is used...

Pre- and Post-Flight Inspections

If you are looking at this picture and thinking there’s something wrong, you’re right. This airplane has a bald spot, probably from a, shall we say, “sporty”, landing. It happens. But this airplane should not be flown until the tire is looked...